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How Pemmican Can Help You Lose Weight and Build Muscle

Pemmican is a traditional Native American food that is made from dried meat (usually bison, elk, or deer), fat, and berries. It is a high-protein, high-fat food that was used by Native Americans as a source of nutrition and energy during long trips and harsh winters. Pemmican has become popular in recent years as a health food and a weight-loss aid. Here’s how pemmican can help you lose weight and build muscle:

1. High Protein Content

Pemmican is a great source of protein. Protein is essential for building muscle and losing weight. When you eat protein, your body uses it to repair and build muscle tissue. This process requires energy, which means that your body burns calories even when you’re not exercising. Eating a high-protein diet can also help you feel full and satisfied, which can reduce your overall calorie intake and help you lose weight.

2. High Fat Content

Pemmican is also high in fat. While fat has a bad reputation, it is actually an essential nutrient that your body needs to function properly. Eating healthy fats can help reduce inflammation in your body, improve brain function, and even boost your metabolism. When you eat fat, your body uses it for energy, which means that you burn calories even when you’re not exercising. Eating a high-fat diet can also help you feel full and satisfied, which can reduce your overall calorie intake and help you lose weight.

3. Low Carbohydrate Content

Pemmican is low in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are an important source of energy, but eating too many carbohydrates can lead to weight gain. When you eat carbohydrates, your body uses them for energy. If you eat more carbohydrates than your body needs, your body stores the excess as fat. Eating a low-carbohydrate diet can help you lose weight by reducing your overall calorie intake and by helping your body burn fat for energy.

4. Convenient and Portable

Pemmican is a convenient and portable food. It is easy to carry with you wherever you go, making it a great snack for when you’re on the go. Pemmican is also easy to make at home, so you can always have a healthy snack on hand. Eating healthy snacks can help you avoid unhealthy snacks and reduce your overall calorie intake, which can help you lose weight.

5. Versatile

Pemmican is a versatile food that can be used in a variety of recipes. You can use it as a topping for salads, as a filling for sandwiches, or even as an ingredient in baked goods. Using pemmican in your recipes can help you increase your protein and fat intake, which can help you lose weight and build muscle.

Pemmican is a high-protein, high-fat food that can help you lose weight and build muscle. It is low in carbohydrates, convenient and portable, and versatile. Incorporating pemmican into your diet can help you increase your protein and fat intake, reduce your overall calorie intake, and even boost your metabolism. So, if you’re looking for a healthy and convenient snack, give pemmican a try!

Understanding the Difference Between Medical Spas and Day Spas

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the popularity of spas as a means of relaxation and rejuvenation. However, not all spas are created equal. There are two main types of spas: medical spas and day spas. While both offer a range of services that cater to the needs of their clients, they differ in their focus, services offered, and regulatory requirements. In this article, we will explore the difference between medical spas and day spas, to help you make an informed decision about which type of spa is right for you.

First, let’s define what a medical spa and a day spa are. A medical spa, also known as a med spa or medi-spa, is a facility that operates under the supervision of a licensed healthcare professional, such as a doctor or a nurse practitioner. The focus of a medical spa is to provide cosmetic and medical treatments that require a higher level of expertise, such as laser hair removal, Botox injections, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion. On the other hand, a day spa, also known as a relaxation spa or a beauty spa, is a facility that offers a range of services, such as massages, facials, body treatments, and nail care, aimed at promoting relaxation and stress relief.

One of the main differences between medical spas and day spas is their focus. While a day spa is primarily focused on providing relaxation and stress relief, a medical spa is focused on providing cosmetic and medical treatments that require a higher level of expertise. Medical spas typically employ licensed healthcare professionals who are trained to perform cosmetic and medical procedures, whereas day spas typically employ licensed estheticians and massage therapists who are trained in relaxation techniques.

Another difference between medical spas and day spas is the services they offer. While both offer a range of services, medical spas typically offer a more extensive range of cosmetic and medical treatments, such as laser hair removal, Botox injections, and chemical peels. In contrast, day spas typically offer a range of relaxation services, such as massages, facials, body treatments, and nail care.

In terms of regulatory requirements, medical spas are subject to stricter regulations than day spas. Because medical spas offer medical treatments, they are subject to the same regulations as medical clinics. This means that they must comply with state and federal laws, such as obtaining the necessary licenses and certifications, maintaining proper records, and ensuring the safety of their clients. Day spas, on the other hand, are subject to less stringent regulations, although they still must comply with state and local health and safety regulations.

In conclusion, the main difference between medical spas and day spas is their focus, services offered, and regulatory requirements. If you are looking for cosmetic or medical treatments, such as laser hair removal or Botox injections, a medical spa may be a better option for you. If you are looking for relaxation and stress relief, a day spa may be more suitable. Ultimately, it is important to do your research and choose a spa that meets your specific needs and preferences.

What To Expect From A Spa Break

When many people think of spa weekends, thoughts of facials and massage sessions often come to mind. However, spa weekends aren’t only about getting facials and massages. Spa weekends are designed to help alleviate stress, elevate the mood, and even bring couples together. When you head to a spa for the weekend, you can expect to enjoy a few days booked with nothing but relaxing activities.


When you and your partner arrive at the spa, the first thing you must do is check-in. Checking into a spa is just like checking into a regular hotel. You must provide your name, as well as a valid ID, and credit card. Once you provide all of the information needed, you are then shown to your room. Rooms at spas are all about relaxation. Typically, calming colors, soft beds and sheets, and sometimes aromatherapy candles are provided in rooms. Robes and sandals may also be provided in rooms.


Most spas offer a general service menu. General services include massage sessions, manicures, pedicures, facials and body soaks. However, many spas also offer more. Certain spas may offer additional services such as acupuncture therapy, hydrotherapy, reflexology, and more. Any services you and your partner would like must be scheduled after you arrive at the spa.

Many spas offer services such as couples massage sessions. You can check with a spa employee to ensure this service is offered if you and your partner are interested.


Spas also offer additional services and amenities. Saunas, jacuzzis, pools, and gyms are all amenities offered at a wide selection of spas. While you may not find all of the services offered at a spa appealing, these amenities are designed to help you relax during your stay.

Drinks and Food

You can expect to have alcohol at most spas. Alcohol is often offered at spas to help promote relaxation, not to become intoxicated. Alcoholic beverages such as champagne are typically offered. However, not all spas offer alcohol. Non-alcoholic beverages such as water, juice, and tea are offered at spas, as well.

Spas typically offer light foods. During your stay, you can expect to eat healthy foods such as light finger foods, as well as other “spa foods.” When you want to have an actual meal, you should consider booking a reservation at a restaurant close by. Certain spas may offer restaurant services. However, these spas are typically part of luxury hotels.

When you go to a spa for the weekend, expect to relax. The key to a spa is to revitalize, de-stress, and relax the body. While certain services such as pedicures and manicures may not be exactly what you are looking for, most spas offer plenty of other services and amenities that will help you relax during your weekend away.

Ulcerative Colitis & Acupuncture

In the quest to alleviate the symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis, we will try nearly anything. Most of us who have had the condition for any amount of time have tried both the pharmaceutical medications that are available and some for of naturopathic medicine as well. Personally, I tend to want to support natural remedies as much as possible. I truly believe that there are natural ways to heal our bodies without the use of chemicals and Chinese medicine, in particular, has a lot of potential for helping us achieve that healing.

My pre-existing feelings aside, I must confess that I cannot in good conscience recommend acupuncture as a therapy for Ulcerative Colitis. In the early stages of my condition – when the symptoms were in full bloom, but before my actual diagnosis – I tried this form of natural medicine hoping that it could cure my chronic digestive issues. I lay in the room for about 15 minutes as the practitioner gently tapped needles into strategic locations. If I remember correctly, the main points were in my forehead and feet, with a couple of spots in between. While the idea of having needles systematically poked into your flesh may not sound comfortable, let alone pleasurable, I actually rather enjoyed the whole process. I rested with the needles in, supposedly restoring the correct and harmonious flow of my life energy, or chi, for about 45 minutes or so before the naturopath returned and removed them. Afterward I felt rested, energized and a bit euphoric. It was quite a nice and relaxing experience. But it did nothing for my Ulcerative Colitis symptoms. Not a lick of noticeable difference. I would love to say that it did, that it fixed all my problems, but it just isn’t true. I think that things like acupuncture take a certain amount of belief in order to achieve results, and at that particular time, I was beginning to lose faith that anything would work. I had been through tests for parasites, months of dietary restrictions, different herbal medications, colon cleanses and fiber drinks. I had been through so many things that hadn’t worked, I wasn’t ready to believe that this would finally fix me. I think that had a distinctive effect on the outcome. For me, acupuncture had no place in my healing process, but that doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t work for anyone at all. I can see how the relaxation and de-stressing properties of the treatment alone would be helpful, but for my money, this therapy wasn’t the answer.

Psychotherapy: Who Needs Counseling?

The data is clear; millions of American seek help for emotional problems, and most have them get better. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that approximately 1/3 of American adults experience a mental health or substance abuse related problem. About ¼ of the population experiences a diagnosable depression or anxiety at some point in their life. About half of all visits to family doctors are due to conditions that are caused or exacerbated by mental or emotional problems. Depression is known to increases the risk of developing heart disease. In fact, people with depression are four times more likely to have a heart attack than those with no history of depression according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Treatment for emotional problems is the key to improving mental health as well as preventing devastating health problems.

People generally seek treatment for emotional problems when they recognize that their feelings and symptoms have begun to cause problems in their day to day life. These people realize that what once may have seemed to be a relatively minor problem, has taken over their life. Other people may seek treatment as the result of family, friend, work or the court system’s encouragement or insistence. At the point when a person enters therapy, they may feel overwhelmed with their life problems and unable to cope. Whether the problem is depression, anxiety, anger, substance abuse or a combination of symptoms, their life has become difficult to manage. Professionals trained in the treatment of mental health problems are psychotherapists.

Training and licensing for psychotherapists is different from state to state and there are a variety of training programs, degree options and specialties within the field of psychotherapy. Therapists generally have a Masters Degree minimally and may have PhD’s. The degree may be in psychology, counseling or social work and can be an M.A, M.S.W, M.S, a PhD or a PsyD. Many psychotherapists have broad-based training but there are also therapists that specialize in specific areas such as children, marital, sexual abuse, delinquency, serious mental illness, and substance abuse. Some are more comfortable working with families, while some prefer individual work and yet other prefers to work with groups of people experiencing similar problems.

According to the American Psychological Association, there is evidence that people with emotional issues who have at least several sessions of psychotherapy are much better off than people left untreated. While some have challenged the benefits of psychotherapy, the bulk of research supports the benefits of talk therapy. People generally feel better after working through problems and examining behaviors, learning new ways to cope. A referral to a psychotherapist can be obtained by talking to you family doctor, insurance company, community mental health center or even the phone book. Be sure to ask questions about treatment modality and training as well as information related to payment and insurance plans that the therapist accepts.

To get the most out of therapy, be honest, open and willing to try new strategies and techniques as recommended by the therapist. Psychotherapists can not generally prescribe medication, so if that is a necessary component of treatment, as close working relationship between your doctor and therapist will be important.

What is Chinese Medicine & How Does It Work?

Chinese medicine is the oldest, professional, continually practiced, literate medicine in the world. This medical system’s written literature stretches back almost 2,500 years. And currently 1/4 of the world’s population makes use of it. One can say that modern Western and traditional Chinese medicines are the two dominant medical systems in the world today. Isn‘t Chinese medicine just a system healing? No. This system has been created by some of the best educated and brightest scholars in Chinese history. These scholars have recorded their theories and clinical experiences from generation to generation in literally thousands of books. It is estimated that there are between 30-40,000 extant books on Chinese medicine written before the turn of the century. Since then, thousands more books and articles in professional journals have been written and published in the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

How does Chinese medicine work?

Chinese medicine works by re-establishing balance and harmony within the body. This means balance between yin and yang, balance between the five phases, balance between the viscera and bowels, and balance between the qi, blood, and body fluids. This balance is re-established by supporting the body’s healthy or righteous energy and attacking any unhealthy or evil energy.

How does the Chinese medical practitioner determine what is out of balance?

Practitioners of Chinese medicine diagnose what is out of balance in a person’s body by employing four basic examinations. The first is questioning about one’s signs and symptoms, medical history, and course of disease. The second is visually inspecting one’s face, body, and especially one’s tongue and its coating. The third is listening to one’s voice and the sound of one’s breathing as well as smelling any odors emanating from one’s body or excretions. And the fourth is palpating various areas of the body and especially the pulse at both wrists. Using a combination of one’s signs and symptoms, tongue diagnosis, and pulse diagnosis, the practitioner can determine the pattern of disharmony which requires rebalancing.

How is this rebalancing accomplished?

If something is too hot, the practitioner seeks to cool it down. If something is too cool, they try to warm it up. If something is toowet, they try to dry it, while if something is too dry, they try to moisten it. If something is too much, they try to make it less. And if something is too little, they try to build it up. If something is stuck, they try to move it, and if something is flowing inappropriately, they try to make it flow in the right direction and amount.

What methods are used to re-establish balance within one’s body?

The main professionally applied methods of re-establishing balance are Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture/moxibustion. Chinese herbal medicines may be prescribed internally or applied externally. Acupuncture and moxibustion seek to regulate the flow of qi and blood within the body by either inserting fine, sterile needles at certain acupoints or warming certain acupoints by various methods. In addition, Chinese medical practitioners may also use tui na or an rna, styles of Chinese massage, they may prescribe remedial or preventive exercises, such as tai ji, qi gong, or dao yin, and they typically counsel their patients on diet and lifestyle, all according to the theories of Chinese medicine.

Source: Arlington Acupuncture

Mothers — Life’s First Coach

Mothers. When you need them the most … there they are.

Last week at the ball yard, they were everywhere. Shouting words of encouragement to their sons and daughters — to no end. Just knowing: they’re there, is comforting.

A mother’s love is like a camp fire, burning long and brilliantly. She is the green grass and the sun that makes the bats come alive. And … the energy to hurl strike after strike. A mother’s heart is pure, much like a northern Michigan lake. Endless and devoted … for nothing can dismantle it.

They believe beyond the top of the tallest trees. The golden treasure of a mother’s love really defies all explanation. But, win-lose-or draw … mothers are there. If you still feeling the need of a life coach then please contact life coach Chicago and they will help you deal with any problems you may be facing in your life. Their pricing is super cheap and affordable and they make you feel welcome so you feel comfortable talking about any issues you may be facing.